Cute and Catty

Coming soon
09.03.25 - 29.06.25

Poopoo, Pinkeltje and Fluffy and their congeners are more than just cats, they are also contemporary artists’ muses. A new exhibition at Castle Ruurlo explores how feline figures are faring in today’s art. Hirsute (anti-)heroes, affectionate friends and eccentric oddballs play the lead role in paintings, sculptures and installations from countries including South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands. 

On display at Ruurlo Castle from 9 March to 25 June 2025.

Minyoung Kim, Wash-Up, 2023, Enari Gallery Amsterdam

TikTok and tradition

Love ‘m or hate ‘m. Are they conceited, impalpable and sly, or elegant and independent? Cats have fascinated us for thousands of years. In all cultures right back to prehistory, the cat has been a favourite subject in the arts. From the divine being of the Egyptians to the sweet kittens of Western Romanticism. Young, contemporary artists also use the cat to tell stories both great and intimate. Inspired by internet culture, TikTok videos and artistic tradition, the cat continues to appear in new guises.

Love ‘m or hate ‘m. Are they conceited, impalpable and sly, or elegant and independent? Cats have fascinated us for thousands of years. In all cultures right back to prehistory, the cat has been a favourite subject in the arts. From the divine being of the Egyptians to the sweet kittens of Western Romanticism. Young, contemporary artists also use the cat to tell stories both great and intimate. Inspired by internet culture, TikTok videos and artistic tradition, the cat continues to appear in new guises.

The exhibition Cute and Catty introduces more than 25 cats in contemporary art. These artworks are made in a wide variety of media. Painted self-portraits with a cat, drawn stories, playful textile sculptures, strokable rugs, installation art and also taxidermy. For these international artists, the cat is often more than simply an endearing subject. The cat can be an alter ego. An anarchic protagonist that allows the maker to run wild, perhaps to escape from themselves? Or the work is the visualisation of a special relationship between human and animal. But as in the fairy tale Puss in Boots, who actually has the upper hand?

Miniature tiger

Some artists broach an important topical theme: why do we treat our pets differently to animals that do not live in our homes? Is this hypocritical? Others highlight the phenomenon of political censure through the eyes of a cat. After all, cats get into places where people aren’t readily welcome. Cats see things that we overlook. But they also remain cuddly companions for millions of people. Curled up on our laps, cats momentarily allow us to embrace the blissful illusion that they and we are exchanging love. That the dangerous miniature tiger is treating us to an almost unearthly friendship. 

The exhibition is curated by guest curator Wouter van Herwaarden, in collaboration with Senior Curator Marieke Jooren.

Especially for Cute and Catty, NRC columnist Japke-d. Bouma has written a cat story (in Dutch) based on a chapter from her book Wanneer ben je officieel een ouwe zak?.

Cat music

If you would like to get in the musical mood before your visit, listen to our specially compiled playlist on Spotify in which cats and pussies take the lead. From David Bowie's ‘Cat People’ to Rossini’s cat duet, and from Dorus’ ‘Poesie Mauw’ to The Pussycat Dolls!

Maeve van Klaveren, Eating Grapes in a Striped Room, 2023, particuliere collectie Haarlem
Peter Vos, Kareltje, 2022, courtesy of the Artist


Ahn Taewon, Hans Op de Beeck, Eva Beresin, Pim Blokker, Elen Braga, Minyoung Kim, Ryo Kinoshita, Michael Kirkham, Maeve van Klaveren, Johan Kleinjan, Ralf Kokke, Erik van Lieshout, Marjolijn Mandersloot, Yuri Rodekin, Klaas Rommelaere, Carolein Smit, Koen Taselaar, TINKEBELL, Dennis Tyfus, Helen Verhoeven, Peter Vos, Mirjam Vreeswijk, C.A. Wertheim.

Klaas Rommelaere Cat 2022 courtesy Madé van Krimpen Gallery and the Artist
Klaas Rommelaere, Cat, 2022 courtesy Madé van Krimpen Gallery and the Artist
Ralf Kokke Poopoo 2023 particuliere collectie
Ralf Kokke, Poopoo, 2023, particuliere collectie
C A Wertheim Ik ben er even niet 2021 120x90cm collectie kunstenaar
C.A. Wertheim, Ik ben er even niet, 2021, collectie kunstenaar